
Friday 31 May 2019

Bouncy egg team work

WALT: To show values in team work.

How to make a bouncy egg.
Step 1:Get a container and fill it with vinegar and water.
Step 2:Place an egg carefully in vinegar.
Step 4: Wait 4 days.
Step 5: Take it out, and drop it from 5 inches ( 12.7 cm )

To do this you will need:

A transparent jar/container.
An egg.
A label; write your name(s).
Cellar tape to stick the label.

On the first day the eggs started bubbling. On the second day things started to happen.
Eggs started losing skin and expanding. On the 4th/5th day, the emphasis was complete.

I really enjoyed  watching the process, and watching them splat!
I personally think that Me and Josh showed resilience, because we  did not get upset over it cracking.
I also think we should have dropped the eggs a day earlier, due to the fact the vinegar softened it to much.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Catapult team building

WALT:  We are learning to show values during teaming work.

Reflection: This week Huia whanaua have been focusing on showing the class values during teamwork.

I feel I used the values: Respect, because  we used our resources wisely, and kindness because we treated each other kindly. We worked hard on two structure phases, but in the last ones were all identical!

I am most proud of the physical structure, and the team work, as we worked greatly in team work, with Josh and I.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Team building

WALT: This week huia whanaua have been focusing on teamwork.

Reflection: This week huia whanau have been learning about team work, and showing values in the process.

I feel that we did well in structure of the pyramid, at last but we could have used more team work.
We used the following values: responsibility because we picked up after our belongings, respect because we didn't check other's groups and copy, we also showed equity by helping others, though this didn't apply for the whole task, only the last 3 minute. Also kindness, because we didn't argue or offend.

I am most proud of collaboration towards the last 2 minutes, and definable enjoyed the eating the marshmallows.

Friday 17 May 2019

The human heart

WALT: write a slide on the human heart.
Reflection: This week huia whanau has been learning bout the human heart .
I feel I did well especially in the text and animation.
I feel I was most proud of the new animation Technique. 

Wednesday 15 May 2019


WALT: Post a poster about the perimeter of irregular shapes to our blogs.
Reflection: This week in hula we have been learning to find the perimeter of irregular shapes.
I feel I did a really good job especially in the drawing and the text.
I am most proud of fully understanding the perimeter.

Tuesday 14 May 2019


WALT: Find the perimeter of of regular and irregular shapes.
Reflection: This term huia has been learning to find the perimeter and area in shapes
I felt I did well in the solving and I actually got it fluently.
I am proud of doing it confidently with no help.

Monday 13 May 2019

What does respect look like in the class.

WALT: Share what respect looks like at kaingaroa school.

Respect looks like: Respect is important, because if there was no respect, there would be no kindness without it, wars all the time, even personal wars would occur.

Reflection:In the past week Huia whanau have being making posters about how to respect in school environments. Me and Josh's was I feel it was  OK, because the bright colours would appeal to young children, but we also did darker colours, which may appeal for year 3 plus

Thursday 9 May 2019

The digestive system

WALT: Write an explanation on the digestive system. 

Friday 3 May 2019

The skeletal system

WALT: Think critically about texts and respond accordingly.
Reflection: I could have made it more colourful. 

Role Model

 For my role model, I have chosen Ferrucio Lamborghini, who founded the Lamborghini car company, which is famous. I have chosen Ferrucio Lam...