
Wednesday 20 May 2020

My Name is Rez Summary

WALT: visualise and summarise the text in our own words.

This is the Summary for a graphic novel named My Name is Rez by Toby Morris:

My name is Rez is a graphic told by Toby Morris. Rez is a young Kurdish girl refugee born in Pakistan, with a Turkish father and an Iraq mother. Rez’s father and mother are both Kurdish, and had to escape their countries because they became unsafe for them. They moved to Iran, where they met. Iran became too dangerous for them so gained official refugee status and moved to Pakistan, where they had 3 children, the 3rd one being Rez. They moved to a camp where they stayed for 9 years. They decided to move to New Zealand, because the camp and the school that Rez and her siblings went to weren’t very nice. At New Zealand, Rez went to a school, but she was bullied because she couldn’t speak English; however the only phrase she could say in English was “my name is Rez”. Her teacher was kind and supportive to her, but she was still bullied. Then she signed up for activities such as a Kapa Haka group, and a netball team, which she found both fun. Rez grew up and became a youth adviser for the red cross, and then became lawyer at a large lawyer firm, and started a programme to help young refugees, and she became young New Zealander of the year in 2017. Despite having a difficult start to life, Rez became a successful lawyer.

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