
Tuesday 24 March 2020

number values

WALT: creatively show our understanding of whole numbers.

The poster, shown below, visually represents the values of a large example number, ranging from ones to millions. The two represents the ones category, as there are 2 single units, the 0 represents the tens category, because there are non tens. There are 3 hundreds in the hundreds, 8 thousands in the thousands, 60,000 in the next catalogue, 700,000 in the next, and finally 4 million.

Friday 6 March 2020

Maori Gods

WALT: write to describe how Nga Atua Maori relate to us.

There are multiple Maori gods, which are Ranginui, Papatuanuku, and their six children, Tangaroa, Tane Mahuta, Haumia, Tu, Rongo, Ruaumoko and Tawhirimatea. Each one is unique and has their own significant abilities. The one that this text will be focusing on is Tane Mahuta. The god I seem to share some relevancy to is Tane, because  he is the god of forests and nature, which I personally think should be protected if necessary. I  also relate to most of these gods, due to emotions. For example, Rongo-Ma-Tane represents happiness, or joy because he is the god of peace. Tu, the god of war, fittingly, represents anger. Tangaroa would represent becoming calm, and possibly recovering from a moment of anger.

What Maori god do you feel you relate to?

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Respect description

WALT: Create an quality blog post for an online audience, using correct sentence punctuation.

Respect, or Kia Tika is one of the many positive values displayed in our school, and elsewhere. Respect is the act of considering someone/thing and treating them appropriately.

The qualities of being respectful include using positive and polite language, remaining silent whilst others are speaking, treating stationary with affection, having polite manners; also verbally (e.g. no swearing, hitting, speaking politely). Respect can even be displayed in moments of anger, even to it can prove difficult. 

Respect should be encouraged outside school, as well as inside. For example, greeting parents and other people with polite manners, and also to become silent when they are talking. Another way to show respect is to do as you are commanded (e.g. teacher), because it shows that you are capable of doing the task respectively. How do you perceive respect?   

Role Model

 For my role model, I have chosen Ferrucio Lamborghini, who founded the Lamborghini car company, which is famous. I have chosen Ferrucio Lam...