
Friday 6 March 2020

Maori Gods

WALT: write to describe how Nga Atua Maori relate to us.

There are multiple Maori gods, which are Ranginui, Papatuanuku, and their six children, Tangaroa, Tane Mahuta, Haumia, Tu, Rongo, Ruaumoko and Tawhirimatea. Each one is unique and has their own significant abilities. The one that this text will be focusing on is Tane Mahuta. The god I seem to share some relevancy to is Tane, because  he is the god of forests and nature, which I personally think should be protected if necessary. I  also relate to most of these gods, due to emotions. For example, Rongo-Ma-Tane represents happiness, or joy because he is the god of peace. Tu, the god of war, fittingly, represents anger. Tangaroa would represent becoming calm, and possibly recovering from a moment of anger.

What Maori god do you feel you relate to?


  1. Tēnā koe Ari. I really enjoyed reading your blog post today. It was very interesting to me that you feel you relate to Tane Mahuta. Why do you feel you relate to Tane more than any of the others? Is there anything special about Tane that you like?

    I have a special place in my heart for Tane because I love nature, and the forest. Sometimes in my spare time I enjoy walking through the forest or climbing a mountain. Is there anything in particular that you enjoy about nature? What makes you choose Tane over Papatuanuku?

  2. Hello Miss Fleet.

    I have chosen Tane specifically because he represents trees and ecosystems more than Papatuanuku, because she is just the land and Tane has created the forests over her. Tane represents the biodiversity found in the forests of New Zealand. I enjoy the the unique wildlife found in New Zealand the most. I also strongly relate to most of the other gods because they relate to emotions I feel on a daily basis.

  3. Hey Ari. I really like your blog post this week, I love nature too and I think it should be protected. I feel like Tangaroa right now, what about you what god do you feel like?


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