
Tuesday 3 March 2020

Respect description

WALT: Create an quality blog post for an online audience, using correct sentence punctuation.

Respect, or Kia Tika is one of the many positive values displayed in our school, and elsewhere. Respect is the act of considering someone/thing and treating them appropriately.

The qualities of being respectful include using positive and polite language, remaining silent whilst others are speaking, treating stationary with affection, having polite manners; also verbally (e.g. no swearing, hitting, speaking politely). Respect can even be displayed in moments of anger, even to it can prove difficult. 

Respect should be encouraged outside school, as well as inside. For example, greeting parents and other people with polite manners, and also to become silent when they are talking. Another way to show respect is to do as you are commanded (e.g. teacher), because it shows that you are capable of doing the task respectively. How do you perceive respect?   


  1. Tēnā koe Ari. You have some very compelling ideas about respect and examples of what it looks like. I wonder, how do you think people can display respect even in moments of anger? What might an angry person do to show respect towards others/things?

    I really like the way you've noted that respect should be encourage both in and out of school. Who's responsibility is it to encourage respectful behaviour? Why do you think this? Are there other places or environments that you're in often, where respect may look differently? e.g. with your family, at the store, online?

    1. Hello Miss Fleet.
      Number 1. An angry person can show respect by preventing themselves to break objects or speak in a rude manner, however this may take multiple deep breaths.

      Number 2. An angry person may explain why they angry using polite language, and if necessary say sorry in a respectful manner.

      Number 3. People such as parents and teachers, even students/children should encourage respect, preferably adults due to their experience.

      Number 4. Respectful behaviour should be encouraged to make the environment in general a better place, and less conflict may occur.

      Number 5. In other places, would include in a family, in which you should speak politely and do as you are told. In a store, ways of showing respect include being respectful to the environment around you, e.g. not pushing items of the shelves or shouting loudly. Online, ways of showing respect would be to use polite words and positive comments on peoples posts/videos.


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