
Tuesday 31 December 2019

Family background

WALT: Create a blog post about cultural background

My ancestors on my grandfather's family (on my mother's side) were initially from Croatia; in the early 1900's they migrated to New Zealand. On my grandmother's family side, her early ancestors were Polish, and came to New Zealand as early settlers, the Subritzky family. She also had Scottish and Irish ancestry.

On my father's side of my family, English and Irish ancestry are present, and both grandparents are 1/8th Maori; from Ngati Porou and Nga Puhi tribes.

Friday 27 December 2019

10 Food items for sea journey

1. vegetables because they give you energy to proceed on the journey.
2. chocolates because they are a nice treat.
3. fish, because they are a good protein resource, and they can be caught in the sea.
4. bread for a variety of uses.
5. butter, to butter the bread.
6. cheese, for a sandwich, to eat.
7. water; because it is vital for human existence.
8. milk, because it is healthy.
9. fruit, eg., banana, apple, pear, for vital nutrients and vitamin C.
10. egg, because it is an excellent source of protein and contains many good vitamins including B2, B6 and B12.

Wednesday 4 December 2019



This term Huia Whanau  have been focusing on poetry.

At first, I didn't manage it easily because poetry was a subject that I had little experience on.
I tried an acrostic first, then moved on to more difficultly structured poems.

Firstly, I randomly chose oranges for the acrostic, then I chose a tortoise randomly for the haiku, then lastly a fan for the lyric poem because I was looking at a fan.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Maze runner title

WALT: Post an item to your blog.

Friday 1 November 2019

Maze runner animation

WALT: Create an animation about your favourite part of the chosen novel.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Maze runner summary

In chapters 1-3, A boy called Thomas randomly finds himself trapped in a metal elevator, knowing nothing except his first name. He eventually arrived in a giant hall, made from stone, surrounded by 56 teenagers, who call him various names such as kluck an shuck. He soon meets the leader; Alby who is the oldest, at 17 or 18. He also meets Chuck, a green bean (new person), who is only 12 and tells him to leave beetle blades, (a kind of monster) alone because they will injure you. The massive stone walls were as long as 3 football fields, and they were arranged in a maze-like way.

I think he was feeling very scared, confused and unhappy, and this is also enhanced by not being able to remember anything. He probably didn't understand what the boys where doing and why, and also there slang terms and monsters that live in the walls.

Wednesday 16 October 2019


WALT: Identify 2D polygons.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

The maze runner

15/10/19 WALT: introduce the novel we've chosen and our literacy goals for the term.

This term I have chosen the novel the Maze Runner, written by James Dasher because it appeals to my reading level. It is set in a giant hall, with stone walls 3 football fields long. I have not completed this novel, but I so far recognise Thomas as the main character. Joshua is also working on this novel with me, and my goal is to finish the novel before the end of the term.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

how to stop climate change.

WALT: Explain the text.

Monday 16 September 2019

Climate change.

WALT: summarise the text.
Reflection: Today Huia have been learning about climate change, and this part of the summarising we will be doing for the next 2 weeks.

I found this text interesting because of the types of climate systems, and the causes of climate changes. This text wasn't easy but it wasn't hard because I have down a lot of summarising this year and it is my favourite type of text.

Monday 2 September 2019


WALT: Make a poster on variables.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

What is film-making

WALT: Summarise the text.

Reflection: This term Huia whanau has been working on film making.
The text was about the steps of how a film comes together, and how it is organised.

Monday 26 August 2019

Resources and sources

WALT: Explain the text.

Reflection: This text was about how to create a film about a topic by creating it with background information. It shows how to find a useful website, and how to interpret in written form.

The order of operation

WALT: solve algebraic equations.

Friday 23 August 2019

Camera shots

WALT: Take a variety of camera shots.

Reflection: This week Huia Whanau have been experimenting different camera shot styles.

I found this particularly fun, because we got to experiment different camera shots, and the results were quite funny. I did this with a partner, Joshua. The camera shots include:

Close up shot: A shot right in someone's face. These are used to show small eye movements or speech in films.
Wide shot: You should be able to see someones's whole body from a distance.
Mid shot: Above the legs, and waist up also for speaking.
Over shoulder shot: Similar, to Close-up shot, but  showing both face and shoulders. Ideal for talking.
Worm's eye shot: Ideal for when someone is looking at the ground.
Bird's eye shot: Ideal for when someone is looking up; looking down on someone.
Two shot: Two people standing next to each other, ideal for conversations.

These all are important when making a film.

Monday 19 August 2019


WALT: Create a short film

REFLECTION: This term  Huia Whanau have been learning about film making.

Harley, a man who does camera clips for a living, came to our class to teach us more about film making. The equipment used included tripods, iPads and clappers. There are many different jobs involved in making the clips, such as directing; in charge of making big decisions and saying if they like something or not, etc.,  Camera operators; film the clips, and say "camera rolling". They are in charge of establishing shots, wide shots and close ups. Sound recorders, record the sound; "sound, speed", Clapper loader, in charge of the clappers; " scene, take 1. 

Personally, I think our group could have put  more effort into doing it, instead of chatting and arguing who does what.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Summary Ihumatao

WALT: Summarise the text in our own words.

Tuesday 30 July 2019


WALT: Make films, recount and explain it on google slides.

Reflection: This term Huia Whanau have been focusing on film making.
In our group, which was Me, Joshua, Aneika, Lyric and Max, we put a lot of effort into making the film.

On wevideo, it started difficult, but was very entertaining and quite funny.

I most enjoyed changing the settings, and adding music on wevideo, and my favourite scene was when, Lyric was dusting max. when trying to help him.

However, we could have used our time more wisely, instead of mucking around. 

Thursday 27 June 2019

The human brain

WALT: Think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating information

Reflection: In the past 2 weeks Huia Whanau  have been learning about the human brain and how the moon affects it, the solar system, astrology, our star signs, good quality sleep and dream catchers, all on one slide.

Josh and I  have been working hard on the procedure of making it, and it took a lot of summarising, which was very interesting and fun. I also enjoyed creating replicas of the objects on SculptGL, which was challenging, but fun. It very interesting learning about zodiac signs.

I am most proud of the solar system, which took a lot of time, with 9 planets. I also enjoyed the information, as it was interesting to learn and interpret in my own words, which I am proud of.

Next time, I should try to do things more in the right time frame, because I did my zodiac sign in the wrong day.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

The human brain

WALT: Post a diagram of the brain to our blogs

I feel I used the  values responsibility because I didn't get distracted and did it with no help.

I think it was fascinating to learn about the anatomy, and label it precisely, and not getting distracted and doing work while talking.

I am most proud of the sculptGL brain that I work hard on.

Next time, I could have made cerebellum on the brain more prominent

Tuesday 11 June 2019


WALT: This week huia whanaua have been learning to square whole numbers.

Reflection: I feel that I did good job on the poster, and I have definable learnt how to square a whole number

I have showed the values; responsibility, because I was responsible in my learning by explaining how it works.

I am most proud of the explanation, because I  feel I did an explanation that would by easy to define.

I think I could have made the demo image (the image in the blue in the image)  smaller.

Friday 31 May 2019

Bouncy egg team work

WALT: To show values in team work.

How to make a bouncy egg.
Step 1:Get a container and fill it with vinegar and water.
Step 2:Place an egg carefully in vinegar.
Step 4: Wait 4 days.
Step 5: Take it out, and drop it from 5 inches ( 12.7 cm )

To do this you will need:

A transparent jar/container.
An egg.
A label; write your name(s).
Cellar tape to stick the label.

On the first day the eggs started bubbling. On the second day things started to happen.
Eggs started losing skin and expanding. On the 4th/5th day, the emphasis was complete.

I really enjoyed  watching the process, and watching them splat!
I personally think that Me and Josh showed resilience, because we  did not get upset over it cracking.
I also think we should have dropped the eggs a day earlier, due to the fact the vinegar softened it to much.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Catapult team building

WALT:  We are learning to show values during teaming work.

Reflection: This week Huia whanaua have been focusing on showing the class values during teamwork.

I feel I used the values: Respect, because  we used our resources wisely, and kindness because we treated each other kindly. We worked hard on two structure phases, but in the last ones were all identical!

I am most proud of the physical structure, and the team work, as we worked greatly in team work, with Josh and I.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Team building

WALT: This week huia whanaua have been focusing on teamwork.

Reflection: This week huia whanau have been learning about team work, and showing values in the process.

I feel that we did well in structure of the pyramid, at last but we could have used more team work.
We used the following values: responsibility because we picked up after our belongings, respect because we didn't check other's groups and copy, we also showed equity by helping others, though this didn't apply for the whole task, only the last 3 minute. Also kindness, because we didn't argue or offend.

I am most proud of collaboration towards the last 2 minutes, and definable enjoyed the eating the marshmallows.

Friday 17 May 2019

The human heart

WALT: write a slide on the human heart.
Reflection: This week huia whanau has been learning bout the human heart .
I feel I did well especially in the text and animation.
I feel I was most proud of the new animation Technique. 

Wednesday 15 May 2019


WALT: Post a poster about the perimeter of irregular shapes to our blogs.
Reflection: This week in hula we have been learning to find the perimeter of irregular shapes.
I feel I did a really good job especially in the drawing and the text.
I am most proud of fully understanding the perimeter.

Tuesday 14 May 2019


WALT: Find the perimeter of of regular and irregular shapes.
Reflection: This term huia has been learning to find the perimeter and area in shapes
I felt I did well in the solving and I actually got it fluently.
I am proud of doing it confidently with no help.

Monday 13 May 2019

What does respect look like in the class.

WALT: Share what respect looks like at kaingaroa school.

Respect looks like: Respect is important, because if there was no respect, there would be no kindness without it, wars all the time, even personal wars would occur.

Reflection:In the past week Huia whanau have being making posters about how to respect in school environments. Me and Josh's was I feel it was  OK, because the bright colours would appeal to young children, but we also did darker colours, which may appeal for year 3 plus

Thursday 9 May 2019

The digestive system

WALT: Write an explanation on the digestive system. 

Friday 3 May 2019

The skeletal system

WALT: Think critically about texts and respond accordingly.
Reflection: I could have made it more colourful. 

Wednesday 10 April 2019

My Whakapapa

WALT: Write our whakapapa 

Ko Puheke toku maunga

Ko Awanui toku awa

Ko Ngapuhi toku iwi

Ko Ngati porou toku hapu

Ko Nana raua Ko pop’s whare toku marae

Ko Kay Ko Ivan Ko Marion ratoa Ross oku tipuna

Ko Darren and vanna oku matua

Ko Ari ahau

My pepeha

WALT:Make your pepeha on docs. 
My pepeha

Ko Vanna and Darren oku matua
Ko Marion and Ross oku Tipuna
Ko Ivan and Kay oku era atu Tipuna  

Ko Ari Ahau.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Waitangi slide

Reflection: I could have found some time to complete it.

Waitangi Drawing

WALT: Post a Treaty of Waitangi Storyboard
Reflection: I could have made it clearer.

Friday 15 March 2019

How to post a quality comment.

+ WALT: Post a quality comment animation
   Reflection: I could have made it more exciting.

Role Model

 For my role model, I have chosen Ferrucio Lamborghini, who founded the Lamborghini car company, which is famous. I have chosen Ferrucio Lam...