
Monday 20 April 2020


WALT: create a quality blog post that explains our learning

For today, I read chapter 4 (Josef) of the book Refugee. This book focuses on 3 children from 3 countries; which are Cuba, Syria and Germany. Josef is a Jewish boy from Germany but he is living at the time of Adolf Hitler's rein, who is against Jewish people. While Josef's father has just left a concentration camp, he and his family have plans to go to Cuba. But has Josef just messed everything up for his family? I am also going to write about a pretend situation where New Zealand is in crisis, in which most people have to move out, and what my plans of what I am going to pack in my suitcase and why.

Clothing: I have chosen clothing as and obvious choice because their will certainly be circumstances where my clothes are going to become dirty, so I will have to change them. I will bring multiple pairs such as pants, shirts, singlets, jackets/jumpers/jerseys, shoes, hats, underwear, and also a hair comb.

Money: I will certainly have to have money, and for 2 main reasons:
To buy tickets.
To buy extra essentials such as food, more clothing and other essentials when the time comes to accommodate.

Passport: This is essential if I am to leave my country, and to enter another country. It covers my identity and helps me to be recognised, and it says what nation I am a citizen of.

Phone or Ipad, preferably phone: A phone or iPad is essential if I am booking for accommodation/flights or contacting people from other countries.

Toothpaste and Toothbrush: This is essential for a hygienic lifestyle, because it keeps your teeth clean and your breath smelling fresh. I haven't visually included it, but deodorant is necessary.

Chocolate or other treats: I have chosen chocolate or other tasty snacks because of the simple reason that you want to have something delightful to eat on an occasion. I really like chocolate.

Cat: A pet should certainly be included because it needs to be cared for by it's owners, however a flight might become extremely stressful for my cats because they will have no concept of what is going on. They will also take a long time to adjust to the foreign country.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ari, what an incredibly interesting read! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through your blog post today about what you would pack in your suitcase. I really like the way you've identified which items are essential and would therefore be packed in your suitcase, as well as your explanation as to why you have chosen the items you did.

    I agree with you - money is a very important item to pack in your suitcase as it would help you obtain other essential items on your travels, including food and clothing.

    Let's continue to pretend you and your family are leaving New Zealand - Where in the world would you like to travel to? Do you have any family in other parts of the world? Have you thought about another country that you might like to live in, other than New Zealand?


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